Net Zero Living
How might 52 very different places learn from each other and collaborate to transition to Net Zero?
This question underpins the biggest innovation challenge and opportunity of our time, and requires and rapid and radical rethinking of our physical spaces and places. And whilst nobody or no place has all of the answers, many share many very similar issues. So somebody, somewhere else is often grappling with or making progress in related areas that we can learn from or collaborate with.
Therefore the net-zero transition requires a fundamentally systemic approach where different places can share learning, partner up and experiment with different approaches that are better, faster and cheaper.
This is why we were delighted to be appointed by Innovate UK to design, build and facilitate a community of practice with 52 local authorities across the UK as part of the £60m Net Zero Living programme, working in close partnership with Urban Foresight and Forum for the Future. Our role is primarly to host quarterly in-person workshops, monthly online events, and an online community that engineers serendipity, accelerates learning and amplifies impact.
Through our work on building the Climate Tech Supercluster we know there is a vast concentration of climate talent, technology, research and funding coming together right now to unlock local, national and global opportunities and impact if we work together.
“Hope impels us to act.”
Our hope for this community of practice is that it grows to become a national, and ultimately global innovation ecosystem and test-bed where new innovations - whether technical or non-technical - can be tested and implemented.
Everybody and everywhere has a vital role to play. The climate crisis truly is the unifying mission of our species and we refuse to give up hope, and will do everything we can to advocate for, and aggregate local actions at speed and scale.
Please do get in touch to find out more, support our work or get involved.
The 52 local authorities participating in the Innovate UK Net Zero Living programme.
“If we devolve more powers to local and regional authorities, there is a huge groundswell of individuals and businesses that want to get on with it.”